Use Pavilion to find suppliers – and get a fast response

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There are 50,000+ suppliers on Pavilion who already have contracts with cooperatives, states, and local agencies. With one simple search, you can find suppliers that meet your needs – and your entity’s compliance requirements.

But did you know that you can also contact suppliers directly through Pavilion? Our team works in the background to get you a fast response. Here’s how it works.

STEP 1: Find a supplier with a compliant contract for what you need

Search for the product or service you need to purchase. You’ll see suppliers that are the strongest match based on what they offer, your entity’s compliance preferences, your location, and more. Now, we’re also taking into account how responsive suppliers are to buyers.

When you click into a supplier’s contract, you can see information about the supplier’s business, their products or services, and the original contract documents – all in one place.

STEP 2: Reach out to the supplier’s best point of contact

It can be hard to reach somebody on the supplier’s side who knows about cooperative procurement. We show the best public sector point of contact we have for each supplier and their latest contact information (phone & email). We check this information regularly to make sure it’s up to date. You can reach out to suppliers to ask questions, get an estimate, or request a quote. 

When suppliers have provided their contact information directly, they show up as “verified.”

Customize your email & cc your colleagues

Most buyers prefer to email suppliers. You can send an email directly through Pavilion and customize your message. We’ll start an email thread with you, the supplier, and Pavilion – along with other colleagues you may want to cc to keep in the loop.

Pro tip: if there are multiple suppliers awarded on the contract, you can message each of them separately in one go, too! Simply click “Add more suppliers” and select the ones you want to reach!

STEP 3: Pavilion quickly follows up on your behalf

Within hours of sending your email, we follow up with the supplier to make sure you get a fast response. You may see us join the email thread to help you nudge the supplier to respond.

STEP 4: Don’t hear back? Pavilion helps you find alternative suppliers

If you don’t hear back from the supplier in 24-48 hours, we’ll help you find an alternative supplier within a couple business days.

“I get more responses when I contact suppliers through Pavilion. The emails and phone numbers we have for suppliers can be out of date, and it’s hard for me to keep track of who I need to follow up with once I reach out. With Pavilion, I don’t have to scour the internet to figure out how to reach a supplier, and I can quickly email multiple suppliers in one go. Best of all, Pavilion does the follow-up for me.”
– County Buyer, Texas

Have you contacted a supplier through Pavilion before? Send us your feedback at and let us know about your experience!

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