Chris has led product teams building healthcare marketplaces at FindHelp and equipping progressive candidates with data at Civitech. Previously he worked in tech strategy and corporate finance at Dell. Chris is an Oakland native, dad to two, and is happiest exploring the Bay’s natural beauty. He loves swapping favorite trails, postmodern novels, and songs with lots of brass.
I believe government is our best lever for helping people at scale. Public problems need public solutions, and the quicker the public sector moves, the more problems it can solve. Pavilion’s mission of empowering local governments to work faster and better hits for me as someone who grew up on foodstamps and learned about the world in a public library. In one form or another, we all rely on government services in our lives and communities. They’re a basic way we take care of each other.
I was homeschooled! Outside of sports and extracurriculars, I mostly taught myself from second grade through high school. The experience of following my curiosity, creating a new curriculum each year, and learning for its own sake gave me confidence that I can learn anything–and that we all can in the right environment.
I’m learning salsa. My partner and I both lead, so we take turns practicing the lead and the follow in our living room until we’re dizzy. It’s been a fun way to meet people and be more in tune with our bodies. But we’re very much beginners–no tearing it up at the salsa club yet!