Procurement guide

Welcoming Jacob Cavallo
Jacob hails from the fast paced, high-stakes world of on-demand food delivery. Over the last 6 years, he’s developed demand forecasting models and optimized driver and delivery scheduling — all in the pursuit of delivering hot pizza.
Pavilion raises a $2.4M seed round to build search for shareable public contracts
With deep gratitude, we’re pleased to announce that Pavilion has raised an additional $2.4M in seed funding. This round was led by Neo and joined by existing investor Leadout Capital, as well as several strategic angel investors. This additional capital will ensure that during these turbulent times, we can stay laser-focused on our goal of building a marketplace for shareable public contracts.
Welcoming Becca Blazak
Becca got her start with Code for America. Since then, she’s partnered with state-level government in Australia to improve legal aid technology.
Welcoming Yvonne Chen
Yvonne graduated from UCLA with a degree in CS, having led groups like ACM@UCLA focused on increasing technology accessibility. She has interned at Facebook on the Civic Integrity team, working on identifying coordinated harassment against at-risk individuals, and has also interned at Stripe on the Alternative Payments team. She loves working across the full stack from frontend UI to data, and strongly believes in working in technology for social good.
Welcoming Jessica Rosenfield
Jessica brings experience in backend web development, data engineering, and bioinformatics to Pavilion. Previously, she worked on data pipelines and web services for GRAIL, a cancer detection company.
Welcoming Mark Rossetti
In his first week, Mark has helped to launch Pavilion’s COVID-19 response, which supports government buyers across the country to purchase PPE and other critical response supplies. Over the last several years, Mark has used software to solve problems of the public interest, from supporting small business development with the City of Long Beach, CA to helping people clear old criminal records to building software for the treatment of opioid addiction.
Welcoming Andrew Jung
Andrew is a serial entrepreneur and varsity athlete. He started his first business, a food delivery startup, as a senior at Middlebury College, where he studied Computer Science and Economics. Before joining Pavilion, he also started another company and completed a Masters in Entrepreneurship from the University of Washington.
Alicia Chen, former Dropbox engineering leader, joins Pavilion as cofounder
Alicia Chen has joined Pavilion as cofounder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Alicia studied computer science at Stanford and started her career at Microsoft. She joined Dropbox as the company’s first female engineer, and went on to become one of the company’s top-rated engineering managers. Most recently, Alicia worked on products supporting improvements across education and criminal justice at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
Pavilion raises $1.5M to build a marketplace for shareable contracts
We're thrilled to announce that we raised $1.5M for Pavilion, led by Leadout Capital and joined by Neo. We’re excited to begin working with Alison Rosenthal of Leadout and Ali Partovi of Neo, who bring extensive operating expertise and share our vision to improve how local governments spend $1.5T each year.
Procurement guide
Cost to Procure Calculator: How much does it cost to go out to bid vs piggyback?
Learn how you can leverage our new tool to assess whether to run a new solicitation or buy through a cooperative contract.
Procurement guide
Use Pavilion to find suppliers – and get a fast response
With Pavilion, you can quickly locate suppliers that comply with your entity's standards. Beyond the search, our team ensures that you receive prompt responses by facilitating direct communication with suppliers. Here's how it works.
Procurement guide
Publish your OpenGov contracts to Pavilion
A step-by-step guide to publishing your OpenGov contracts to Pavilion.
Procurement guide
Cost to Procure Calculator: How much does it cost to go out to bid vs piggyback?
Learn how you can leverage our new tool to assess whether to run a new solicitation or buy through a cooperative contract.
Procurement guide
Public Sector Procurement Tools: Demystifying the Procurement Landscape for Suppliers
Your guide to public purchasing pathways and the tools used at each step.

