Contract # 161436

Energy Performance Contracting Services


MIDSTATE MECHANICAL INC and 27 other suppliers on contract

Lead agency

City of Tucson, AZ


Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures (S.A.V.E.)


Buyers in Arizona can use Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures (S.A.V.E.) contracts with a membership. Become a member here.

 Cooperative language in contract

Contract source

Expiration date

Renewals through October 19, 2026

Ask questions or request a quote

Lisa Mcfate

1 of 2

Backed by Pavilion

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  • Scope

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  • Documents (4)


Contract documents

161436/Contract 13011 3518

Amendment documents

161436/AwardAmendmentImg 161436 08 161436-08%20A1%20executed

161436/AwardAmendmentImg 161436 08 161436-08%20A2%20Vendor%20SIGNED.DanL

Bid solicitation documents

161436/Solicitation File

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